============================================================= Thu 01/14/2021 12:00:08.54 - Version: 3.000 - E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\status_check.bat [".. emp\status" "status_check_LOCAMS.txt"] [status_check.bat:SETUP ".. emp\status" "status_check_LOCAMS.txt"] Please wait... ******* Detecting noisy cameras ************* [CALL status_check.bat:LOOP_LISTFILE] "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\status_check_LOCAMS.txt" for /f "usebackq tokens=*" ..a in (`findstr /i "getstatus_" "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\status_check_LOCAMS.txt"`) do ( Now download/caching ALL "GetStatus_000900_*.txt" files to "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder". Now download/caching ALL "GetStatus_000916_*.txt" files to "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder". Now download/caching ALL "GetStatus_000941_*.txt" files to "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder". Now download/caching ALL "GetStatus_000957_*.txt" files to "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder". ) for /f "usebackq tokens=*" ..a in [`findstr /i "getstatus_" "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\status_check_LOCAMS.txt"`] do [ for /f "usebackq tokens=*" ..b in (`dir /b /a-d "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\GetStatus_000900_*.txt"`) do ( File: 3.001 Total Detections=500 GetStatus_000900_DC_DiscoveryChannel_.txt [2021-01-14T10:12:04.764-07:00 2021-01-14T17:12:04.732+00:00 UTC] for /f "usebackq tokens=*" ..b in (`dir /b /a-d "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\GetStatus_000916_*.txt"`) do ( File: 3.001 Total Detections=334 GetStatus_000916_MH_MarsHill_.txt [2021-01-14T10:58:51.938-07:00 2021-01-14T17:58:51.892+00:00 UTC] for /f "usebackq tokens=*" ..b in (`dir /b /a-d "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\GetStatus_000941_*.txt"`) do ( Station: ######### CAMS STATUS FOR STATION: "000941_ER_Prescott" ################################## File: 3.001 Total Detections=988 GetStatus_000941_ER_Prescott.txt [2021-01-14T10:09:18.907-07:00 2021-01-14T17:09:18.767+00:00 UTC] Total Detections=988 f: CAMS Archive free space 91.362 GiB {B}**** DISK SPACE LOW ***{/B} GetStatus_000941_ER_Prescott.txt for /f "usebackq tokens=*" ..b in (`dir /b /a-d "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\GetStatus_000957_*.txt"`) do ( File: 3.001 Total Detections=213 GetStatus_000957_MC_Meteor_Crater.txt [2021-01-14T11:37:11.224-07:00 2021-01-14T18:37:11.193+00:00 UTC] ) [RETURN status_check.bat:LOOP_LISTFILE] [bat_returncode=0] This script examines all the GetStatus report files in the specified directory and reports on anomolies such as: 1. Cameras with excessive detections [indicates noisy camera/s] 2. Cameras with excessive dropped frames 3. Stations with dangerously low disk space 4. Stations that haven't reported in lately 5. Stations with GetStatus reports that haven't been uploaded in 3 or more days. The detections and dropped frames are determined by reading the GetStatus report and examining each camera in the most recent SubmissionFiles session for that CAMS instance. [status_check.bat:DONE] [0] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If there are issues reported, examine the GetStatus files that have been downloaded for you in the "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder" directory. "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder\status_check_to_html.bat" "E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder" "E:\cams2_queue\status_LOCAMS.html" [status_check_to_html.bat:DONE] [0] ["E:\cams2_queue\RunFolder" "E:\cams2_queue\status_LOCAMS.html"] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The resulting file is: "E:\cams2_queue\status_LOCAMS.html" start "" "E:\cams2_queue\status_LOCAMS.html"