524366 (2001 XR254)

System parameters

Heliocentric orbitPhotometry Position 2022/03/21 22:19 UTC
DES class = CLASSICAL HV = 6.03±0.03 +08:25:49.66 +18:10:43.2
<a> = 43.01 (AU) V = 22.4 (V2 = 23.4) Uncertainty = 0.1 (arcsec)
<e> = 0.024 Δmag = 0.43 Rates: -1.519, +0.391 ("/hr)
<i> = 2.66 (degrees) B-V = NULL  
Perihelion = 2127 V-R = NULL Opposition: January
Aphelion = 1987    

Astrometric observations

Observation time (UTC)Observatory/InstrumentRADEC Δ (AU)Δx (arcsec) Δx errorΔy (arcsec) Δy error
2006/12/20  06.67692 HST/ACS-HRC +07:14:29.53 +21:07:19.0 43.24733 -0.10693 0.00098 +0.01285 0.00052
2007/09/17  11.18528 HST/WFPC2-PC +07:21:31.00 +20:56:38.0 44.58756 -0.30433 0.00135 +0.15170 0.00107
2007/09/18  02.49361 HST/WFPC2-PC +07:21:32.96 +20:56:33.2 44.57758 -0.30475 0.00194 +0.15598 0.00100
2007/09/21  07.66445 HST/WFPC2-PC +07:21:42.28 +20:56:10.4 44.52652 -0.31466 0.00155 +0.16542 0.00100
2007/10/09  02.62694 HST/WFPC2-PC +07:22:16.96 +20:54:35.0 44.22879 -0.30501 0.00140 +0.19840 0.00156
2007/12/05  09.95542 HST/WFPC2-PC +07:20:46.76 +20:56:12.5 43.37058 +0.10316 0.00100 +0.01377 0.00188
2007/12/28  14.61445 HST/WFPC2-PC +07:19:02.36 +20:59:18.8 43.20817 -0.01785 0.01797 -0.02445 0.00703
2009/12/12  10.01000 Keck 2/NIRC2 +07:31:14.84 +20:35:41.1 43.34264 -0.04470 0.00300 +0.10444 0.00300

Orbital knowledge

Comments: Orbit published here, and updated here.
Parameter Value Units
P period125.58±0.05days
a semimajor axis9310±50kilometers
e eccentricity0.556±0.005dimensionless
i inclination41.1±0.2degrees
ε mean longitude at epoch152.0±0.3degrees
Ω longitude of ascending node341.2±0.3degrees
ϖ longitude of periapsis246.3±0.9degrees

Angles are referenced to J2000 equatorial coordinates.

Epoch = Julian date 2454300.0

2022/03/21 22:19

Last updated: 2022/03/21 22:19 UTC