The Barney

"Nothing, and Everything, is Possimpible"

- Barney Stinson

Last updated: 3/25/2021


RSG/WR Ratio

Phil is working on it

RSG+B Star Binaries: RSG+Be stars and LMC Gemini data

Nidia is reducing MagE and MIKE data of Be stars. Also have Gemini LMC data and Dorda stars. This should all go into one paper. Need to reduce Gemini data and then waiting on Nidia.

RSG binaries in the UV

HST proposal declined, resubmitted in 2021

OB stars in M31 and M33

Use PHAT/PHATTER? At the UV wavelenghts you might be able to do something ...

Merged RSG Binaries: I can't believe I ate the whole thing

Merged RSGs should have different spectral and physical properties than non-merged RSGs. Their abundances should be different, their rotational velocities should be higher and their mass loss rates should be ... different. Using high-resolution echelle spectra, try and search for the differences.

Status: vaguely waiting on EXPRES pipeline. Could start reducing. Putting off resubmitting VLT proposal until I do the EXPRES stuff.

Maria YSG: Are they coming or going?

YSGs can either evolve to the red or back to the blue. Depending on whether they've gone through the RSG stage or not the should have different abundances and rotational velocities. Using high-resolution MIKE spectra of 100 YSGs in the LMC, identify which way they're evolving. (also, variability)

Status: Maybe I should email Maria at some point ...

M31/M33 WR/O bin masses

Using photometry to obtain lightcurves and spectra to obtain radial velocities, we should be able to directly measure the masses of a few WR+O star binary systems.

Status: Things are currently not going so well ... we weren't able to find any good systems with light curves and wilson diagrams. More DCT data happened ... needs to be reduced.

After that ... See if any of them look better. If they do, write up a paper. If not, cry.

WN3/O3s in M33

We found WN3/O3s in the LMC ... where are they in other galaxies? Maybe they are only found at some metallicites. Since M33 has a strong metallicity gradient, we want to see if a) we can find them and then b) if they only appear at one metallicity.

Status: Gemini proposal resubmitted

Gemini IC10

We observed candidate WRs in IC10 using Gemini a few years ago. Let's see if they're real!

Status: Reduce data! Well, Phil needs to do this.


We have good lightcurves and spectra of BAT99-77. We should be able to derive the physical masses of the two components.

Status: Basically passed off to Tomer.


Same as above for BAT99-77. Single lined binary.

Status: Some lines have been measured, but I don't think anything was ever sent to Laura Penny. Maybe this is a good summer student project? But no rush.