GMOS Long-slit Reductions: It's an ADVENTURE!

Rewritten based on experience reducing LMC173-1 February 2025

Some resources:


Getting Sorted Out

Everything all at once

Why, yes, there is a script for doing everything It will need editing. Below is what it really should say:

  • Extract the spectra and enjoy: I found that I was much happier doing this within normal iraf using apall.
  • The "standard" gemini way to do this would have been the following. But I would just ignore everything below this line
  • At this point you may need to get rid of ridiculous spikes. Try:

    So, that sounded good, right? And the above worked pretty well. But what if you have a faint object or only a single 20-minute long science frame? Chances are its rotten with cosmic rays. You may even have to get rid of these before you can even find the aperture to do extract something faint. I'm also not that delighted with their sky subtraction algorithm. One option if you have multiple, undithered exposures is to use gemcombine to filter out the crs.

    Another alternative is: seems to be gemcrspec. I used it on my data after I had transformed but not sky subtracted: