
Telescope MDM 1.3m
Date 11/23/97
Instrument Echelle CCD
Filter R


Star light reflecting off of some part of the telescope setup causes reflections and scattered light to show up in images. These could be from external sources (off the dome or part of the telescope structure itself), or internal such as off of the filter holders. Often these will appear in specific fields with bright stars nearby. In this particular image, a star just out of the field of view was probably reflecting off the filter holder.


For the most part, nothing can be done while observing to avoid occassional reflections of nearby bright objects. Scattered light from the dome may be corrected for and reflections off of other parts of the telescope setup may be corrected for after investigation into the problem. For scattered light showing up in many images, look for light sources in the dome). To see other examples of common and uncommon reflections, check out the following links:

Similar long reflection

Large blob


Scattered Light

Bright Streak

Persistent reflection streak (did not disppear when telescope was moved)

Romulan Warships

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