Curriculum Vitae

(abridged; full version w/ publication list available as Covey.CV.pdf; see also digital publication list from NASA ADS)

University of Washington (Aug. 2000--Aug. 2006)
M.S., Ph.D, Astronomy
Thesis: `Dynamical Properties of Embedded Protostars and the Luminosity Function of the Galactic Disk'
Advisors: Suzanne L. Hawley & Thomas P. Greene

Carleton College (Sept. 1996--May 2000)
B.A., Physics, magna cum laude

Assistant Astronomer, Lowell Observatory

Hubble Fellow, Cornell University, 2009-2012
Spitzer Fellow, Center for Astrophysics, 2006-2009
NSBP Award for Distinguished Personal Initiative on Diversity in Astronomy, 2008
NASA Graduate Student Research Program Fellow, 2003-2006
Distinction in the Major (Carleton College,Physics) 2000

Lead Instructor, Astro 101U, U. Washington, 2003
Teaching Assistant, Astro 481, U. Washington, 2002 & 2004
Teaching Assistant, Astro 101 & 150, U. Washington, 9 courses, 2000-2005

Co-Chair, LSST Stellar Populations Science Collaboration, 2009-Present
Telescope Allocation Committee Member: NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (2012-Present), Spitzer Cycle 9
Cool Stars 16 LOC Member \& Splinter Session Organizer, 2009-2010
Co-Organizer, First Annual Cornell Space Sciences Undergraduate Research Fair, 2009
Peer Review Panelist: NASA Origins Program, Spitzer Cycles 6 & 9, Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 17
Organizer, CfA Star Formation Journal Club, 2006-2008
Co-Organizer, First Annual CfA Postdoc Symposium, 2007
Participant, American Astronomical Society Congressional Visits Day, 2007
Scientific Referee: ApJ, AJ, Gemini TAC, 2003-present

Member, American Astronomical Society Committee on the Status of Minorities in Astronomy, 2010-Present
Organizer, Astro Section, National Society of Black Physicists, 2007-Present
Founder, Pre-Major in Astronomy Program, 2005-2006
Co-Author, `To Feed, To Fix: Diversity and the Astronomy Pipeline at the U.W.', (2002 -- 2003)